Testimonial: PRIMALity Playshop @ Paleo FX
Wednesday, March 28, 2012 at 14:38
Darryl Edwards in PFX12, Primal Fitness, Primal Play, Testimonial, Workshop

Forgive my constant reference to laughter in your playshops, but it is such a striking characteristic for me. So I'll beat it into the ground until people realize how much fun you bring to movement.

"Walk into any gym anywhere and you'll hear all sorts of things: the hum of treadmills, the clank of weight plates, an occasional grunt. But you won't hear the one thing that is a constant sound in Darryl's playshops—laughter. Darryl brings so much to these explorations of movement that it's impossible to call it exercise: collaboration, fun, problem solving, play, engagement, interaction. One word of warning—you won't be giggling the next day when you feel how sore you are. But you'll also be invigorated and plotting your next PRIMALity adventure."

Thanks, Darryl! 

- Karen Phelps - PaleoPeriodical.com

Article originally appeared on Eat for Health, Move for Life : The Paleo Lifestyle (http://www.thefitnessexplorer.com/).
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