- 10 Squats
- 10 Push-Ups
- 10 Walking Lunges
- 10 Sit-Ups
- 10 Back Extensions
Aim is to complete all exercises in 20 minutes or less, in any order.
Complete all reps of one exercise before moving on.
- 20 Press-Ups
- 20 Pull-Ups (strict, dead hang - under or overhand grip)
- 20 Deadlifts (lifting 60% of your bodyweight)
- 20 Bench Press (pressing 50% of your bodyweight)
- 20 Jump Squats
- 20 Walking Lunges
- 20 Clap Push-Ups
- 20 Bodyweight Row
- 20 Jump Pull-Ups
- 20 Dumbbell Shoulder Press (16kg)
- 20 Dips
- 20 Knee-to-Elbows
- 20 Upright Rows (lifting 50% of your bodyweight)
- 20 Sit-Ups
- 20 Step Farmer's Walk (1x24kg, 1 x 32kg Kettle or Dumb Bell)
- 20 Clean & Press (10 reps for each arm using 20kg Kettle or Dumb Bell)
- 20 Back Extensions
- 20 Jump Lunges
- 20 Crab Walks
- 20 Bear Crawls
Main Workout Times:
- Darryl : 21 minutes
- Gareth : 26 minutes
- Alex : 27 minutes
5 Burpees (3 Push-Ups between each rep)
5 Burpees (2 Push Ups between each rep)
10 Burpees (1 Push Up between each rep)
Scale the above weights to suit your ability, aiming to beat 20 minutes